Tilda card and some very exciting news!

I'm sooooo excited to announce that I am now a member of the Magnolia-licious design team. I have fallen completely in love with these stamps, so you can't imagine how happy I was to get the invitation from them! This is my first card as a design team member, and it's for the March sketch challenge.

You know, I was never much of a sketch person before, but the more I'm doing them, I'm really starting to like them! The DP for this one is Kaiser, and the stamp of course is Magnolia. Cardstock is Bazzill.
I colored her with my wonderful Copic markers and added some ribbon and a Prima flower with a Making Memories brad in it. Oh and the photo corners are from a Cuttlebug die. All of these products are available at Hallmark Scrapbook.

I've seen a few people taking pics of their copics they used, and I know it sure helps me. So thought I would jump on that bandwagon too! Hope it helps you!

Thanks so much for stopping by to check on me today and I sure hope to see you back again soon! Have a wonderful Sunday!! HUGS!

Hog Wild about the Irish

Happy Friday everyone!!! I've got some exciting news to announce on Sunday, so stay tuned! I just felt like doing a light hearted, whimsical card tonight, so that's exactly what I did! I grabbed this cute stamp I just got from Whippersnapper, and was looking at it after I stamped it trying to figure out what I wanted to do when this popped into my head!
I colored the stamp with my Copic markers (coming soon to Hallmark Scrapbook), and I think it clearly shows I still need to learn a lot more about those! The DP is Nana's Kids and cardstock is Bazzill.

I added a couple Prima Flowers with some Making Memories brads in the center, and then printed off the sentiment from my computer which is double popped for dimension. Used my new favorite MS border punch too!! A lot of you will be happy to see that Hallmark Scrapbook is going to be carrying the Martha Stewart border punches!! And she ships anywhere!! YAY!!

That was all there was to it! Quite simple really! Thanks for stopping by to see me today and hope to see you back again soon!! HUGS!!

The Silver Lining

I've always been a firm believer in the saying "Everything Happens for a Reason," a belief instilled in me by my mom and Nana. I repeat that thought during perplexing and surprising moments, but most often, I repeat it during difficult times.

I always seek comfort in the belief of a reason, although, many times, when in the midst of a challenging period, it seems impossible to see what the reason is.

"Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining," is a phrase that sums up the belief in a different way, and last night, E and I were discussing our own recent "silver lining" in life-- a missed job opportunity that at the time was devastating, but which we can now clearly see was a tremendous blessing in disguise.

As E and I try to navigate this new piece of life we've begun carving out, this poster would make for a very perfect reminder that a year from now, we may well look upon other silver linings still yet unseen.

To my Brother, yeah, he deserves it.

Well Ema, you passed both your exams, the one we were all freaked out about and the one I was sure you'd do great on (in fact you did). Anyway, bravo bravo! You're now an offically diplomated freak with a trombone! I'm sure you'll have a great career and remember to invite me over when you're the first trombone of the Berliner.

Three Clovers Thursday Challenge

Hi everyone! It's Thursday, and that means it's time for our next Three Clovers Thursday challenge over at Three Clovers Designs! Kerry's challenge to you this week is to use B+B+B! What's that? translation please? Ok, it's to use brown+blue+buttons! What a fun challenge, huh?

I actually had no idea who made this stamp because a friend of mine from the UK sent it to me. I'm sure a LOT of you know Dawny from Pink Piggy! Thanks Dawny! And then I saw that Claudia Rosa had used the exact same stamp a couple days ago believe it or not, and she listed the maker! How's that for a coinkydink??? Thanks so much Claudia!! The stamp is by LeLo Design by Stampavie called Natural Boy.

I layered up a bunch of Bazzill cardstock and used my SU ticket punch in the corners. I really like that look. I don't know why, but I do! LOL! Then used some little brads in the corners that I had in my stash. The DP is by Serendipity that I've had in my stash for quite a while.

I added a simple strip of blue cardstock down the right side and topped it off with some blue gingham ribbon tied in a bow. I don't usually do this, but I left this one totally sentiment free to make it nice and versatile. For the buttons, I wanted just an array of different buttons across the bottom, and I threaded them with some brown embroidery thread.

This was a really fun challenge!!! We'd LOVE it if you would pop over to Three Clovers Designs and play along with us! Thanks for stopping by to see me today and hope to see you back again soon!!! HUGS!!

Gluten-Free Coffee Biscuits Recipe

Coffee laced cookies with chocolate chips

This is a cookie recipe for a grown up. Call them adult cookies. Or better yet, go a little UK and name them biscuits. It sounds a whisker more civilized when you declare to your co-workers, Excuse me while I fetch myself a coffee and a biscuit, Darling. Back in two shakes!

Much less Kindergarten, with all that grab your blankie from your cubbie business and the ritual involving tiny milk cartons and poking bendy straws through paper wrappers and the inevitable bad boy, Sully, who would blow on the straw and shoot the wrapper missile right at your ear (so annoying) and those graham crackers that never quite snap apart evenly and get stuck in your teeth (beyond annoying). Quiet time. With cookies.

A prelude to adult tea time, I suppose. But don't mention snuggies. I don't even know what a snuggie is, nor do I want to know why I would want to bring one to work with me and why they're making a day of it. It seems so. Let's see. The image of graham crackers and milk and that nasty snotty Sully shooting paper straw wrappers at my head comes to mind.


The word itself conjures that official classroom smell. Crayons and white paste and chalk. I'm snagged in the late trailing end of the Boomer Generation, can you tell? We had nap time on the floor with blankets and milk. I'm sure my sons have a their own '80's variation on this "time out" theme. (I'll have to ask them.)

What did you have for your Quite Time ritual?

Milk and cookies? Or Juice boxes and Cheetos? And why are cookies called cookies here in the States and biscuits in the UK? I ask you. Inquiring minds are scrambling to uncover these mysteries.

Continue reading


Happy Hump Day everyone! The work week is downhill from here and Friday is now in sight! I think this is probably one of my favorite Tilda's ( I don't say that about each one, do I????) I just think she looks like she's sooooooooooooo deep in thought!
I colored her with my Copic markers (soon to be available at Hallmark Scrapbook) and set her inside a circle I cut with my Nestabilities. The DP is by Daisy D's from last year or maybe even the year before. Cardstock is Bazzill.
I got that beautiful pink ribbon from I Heart Papers, and the buttons are just from my stash. I threaded them with some embroidery floss. The letter from "wish" came from that sheet of letter stickers that comes with the packages of Basic Grey paper. I used the lower case letters. I also used a couple of my Martha Stewart border punches across the bottom. I really love those border punches!!

I sure hope you're not getting tired of seeing me make Tilda cards. I just got a whole bunch of new ones that I'll be inking up pretty quickly. I'll TRY and squeeze in some other cards here and there! LOL! Don't forget!! If you love the Magnolia stamps, they are on their way to Hallmark Scrapbooks shop. They should be there soon, with awesome prices and superb customer service!!

Thanks so much for stopping by to check in on me today! I sure do appreciate your visits, and love it even more if you take a minute to say hi and let me know what you think about things. Have a wonderful day and hope to see you back again soon! Hugs!!

Italy: Part 1 (about bloody time)

I apologize for the long silence. I can FINALLY update because Ozie finally let me use her compy, since she's the one with all the pictures of our exciteing adventure.
Anyway, I should stop talking and grace your eyes with our lives.
That's all for today.
I would post more, like write about these pics, but something came up. So I'm scraming from the compy before Ozie beats me up.

Miss you! Peggy Loves Vintage

This card seriously took me about all of 10 minutes to make! And isn't it the cutest? I don't think it LOOKS like it only took 10 minutes to make! Seriously, I wouldn't have even had the time to grab my purse and keys to go to the store to even buy a card in that amount of time!!!!
To make it, I used one of the adorable files from the Circus CD from Peggy Loves Vintage. Isn't this little adorable elephant too precious? And "miss you" is exactly what it was saying to me. I just printed the pic out with my computer, used a piece of craft cardstock, cut a piece of red Bazzill cardstock and a couple strips of white Bazzill cardstock, tied a bow, and that was it!!! The "miss you"stamp is from Kim Hughes over at Cornish Heritage Farms. I love these vintage cd's!! They take me right back to cards from my childhood. Please be sure and go check them out! Peggy is working on getting her web site up where she can sell world wide, so don't worry! These adorable images will soon be available to everyone! Thanks for stopping by to see me today and hope to see you back again soon! HUGS!!

Helping cookies keep their shape . . . Works For Me Wednesdays

Welcome to a new (to Bake at 350) blog feature...Works For Me Wednesday. Here's a synopsis of what it's all about..."Basically, the idea is that on Wednesday you post a little tip you've learned on any (G-rated) topic--anything that has "worked for you" in making your life easier. "Before my tip, let me tell you how I found out about WFMW...

Around Christmastime, we moved to a new house. I met our neighbors, but hadn't really had a chance to get to know them. The day before Valentine's Day, their son was over at our house playing and I was finishing up making the Homemade Hostess Cupcakes.

I had them all laid out on the table, taking pictures from every angle, when out their son walks into the kitchen. All I could think was, "oh great...he's going to go home and tell his parents that the crazy lady next door takes pictures of FOOD!" But, do you know what he said? "Do you have a blog?" :)

It turns out, his mom, my neighbor, has an amazing blog, a real blog!!! It's called We are THAT Family. Have you seen it? Go now, seriously! (It's really good, so please come back eventually!)

I am so excited to have a friend next door (that's only happened to me once, and it was like heaven on earth), and a bloggy friend at that! You can check out her more colorful account of meeting a "blogger next door" here.

We Are THAT Family is now the host of Works for Me Wednesdays...I can't wait to read through all of the great ideas posted there!

Without further ado...

To help cookies keep their shape, freeze them! I freeze each batch of cut-out cookies for 5 to 10 minutes before baking. They rise just slightly higher and keep their shape better. This really helps when using an intricate cookie cutter, but I do this even when baking circles.

If I'm baking a large batch of cookies, I normally have one sheet in the oven, one in the freezer, one on the counter for loading and one cooling and I just rotate through them.

Hope that helps! :) Is there anything you are wondering about cookie making? Post a comment and I'll try to add it to future WFMW.

Yes, I said, Yes, I will, Yes!

Thirteen years ago tonight, my husband proposed. Valentine's Day had come and gone and I was left thinking WHEN IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN?!? He had other plans....he wanted to throw me off guard, I think. Over a loaf of Great Harvest Bread Company bread (you knew there was food involved, right?!? He's a smart man!) and glasses of champagne, the question was popped. M...THANK YOU for asking!!! I still say YES! :)

To make the cookies:
  1. Outline a diamond shape in white icing using a #2 or #3 tip.
  2. Outline the shape of the ring, inner and outer circle, in yellow using a #2 or #3 tip (AmeriColor Egg Yellow)
  3. Thin white and yellow icings with water until the consistency of syrup. Cover with a damp dishtowel and let sit several minutes.
  4. Run a rubber spatula through the icing to break any air bubbles that have formed on top. Pour into squeeze bottles.
  5. Fill in the diamond on white flood icing. Use a toothpick to guide into corners.
  6. Fill in the ring with yellow icing.
  7. With a #3 or #4 tip, fill in the center of the rings in pink (AmeriColor soft Pink).
  8. Let sit at least one hour.
  9. With a #2 tip, pipe "yay!" across the cookies.
  10. Let dry overnight.
  11. Mix a small amount of meringue powder with water.
  12. Paint mixture on the diamond with a small paintbrush and immediately sprinkle with clear sparkling sugar.

Like these cookies? Check out some wedding cake cookies here!

Don't forget to enter the CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY!!!

Gliding Down the Rails

I love to travel as much for the destination as for the trip itself. Although I am always excited to arrive at my journey's end, I enjoy the process of getting there as well. I've mentioned it before, but I love airports and planes, and I adore a good road trip.

E & I watched this movie over the weekend, and I have been thinking about train travel ever since. I have only traveled by train a handful of times, and while I loved each trip, none were as glamorous as the one depicted in these photos.

The romance associated with rail travel (and air travel as well) from bygone eras doesn't quite exist in today's harried society, with travel more closely linked to delays and long lines, but I still am captivated by the idea of a grand adventure spent in luxurious clothing, with scenery flying by, as a train races down the tracks towards its next destination.

**And in other news, we are still without Internet at home...

Meet Your Cook

This page has moved to:
Meet Karina

Life is Good! New Bitten By The Bug challenge

Life is Good, Without a doubt!! I know sometimes things happen to make us wonder, but if it weren't for the bad times, how could we possibly understand just how good the good times really are?! The Bittem By The Bug challenge to you this week is to use the LIFE IS GOOD phrase from the Graphically Speaking cartridge.
I don't own this adorable Tilda yet, I was lucky enough that a new blogging friend, Jacque, sent me some to play with. Isn't she the cutest??? Thank you Jacque!!! I now have to have the stamp. LOL! Does it get any better than having your bare toes in the cool grass on a summer day? It's the simple things, I'm tellin ya! *smile*

The DP is Making Memories and cardstock is Bazzill. I used the Tilda from Jacque and then also used the Magnolia stamp fence with summer background. I colored them both in with my Copic markers. I cut the LIFE IS GOOD out with my Cricut Expression about five times and layered them together for faux chipboard. Stuck some Prima flowers on there with a Making Memories brad in the center, and then put a flourish as a stem that I cut out with my Pazzle Inspiration. All of these things, including the stamps and Copics, are available at Hallmark Scrapbook! (the Tildas and Copics are on the way to them)
That's about it for this one. Be sure and pop over to Bitten By The Bug to see the other designers wonderful creations! Thanks for stopping by to see me and I hope your Monday is going well so far. Hope to see you back again soon! HUGS!

Think Green! Downloadable stamps from The Cutting Cafe'

I don't normally do St Patty's Day cards, but with these adorable downloadable stamps from Regina's The Cutting Cafe', how could I even resist??!! The shamrock is from her set of St Patrick's Day downloadable stamps, and the calendar is from her new set of calendars. I love BOTH sets!!
I've been wanting to do a Tilda all dressed in green on top of a March calendar, so once I started it, I just couldn't bring myself to leave my desk until it was done! (it's now 1:40 am!!) LOL! All the coloring on Tilda and the stamps was done with my Copic markers.

The DP is by Sassafrass Lass, the dark green paper is Basic Grey, and the cardsock is Bazzill. I cut the shamrock tag out with my Nesties, and used my new favorite border punch by Martha Stewart!

That's about it for this one! Be sure and visit The Cuting Cafe' to check out Regina's new stamp sets! Forgot to mention that everything is popped up off the card for dimension. Thanks for stopping in to see me today and hope to see you again soon! HUGS!

A CHOCOLATE Giveaway...because a girl can't live on cookies alone!

This is really exciting! The wonderful people at See's Candies are offering a $25 gift card to one lucky Bake at 350 reader!!! Yay! Go on over to their website and check out all of their chocolate candy!

There's so much to choose from! Here is what I would choose (in case the lucky winner feels like sharing the love).... ;) I'd start with the dark chocolate nuts & chews...
...and I think these are SO cute! I'd love to keep a little stash of chocolate & cafe latte lollypops in my purse in case of emergency!!!
These are so perfect for St. Patrick's Day!
Then, maybe I'd finish with See's dark chocolate peppermints. This is fun!

OK...to enter, go to See's Candies website, leave a comment, and let me know one thing you would chose if you are the winner. (I won't hold you to it...you can change your mind!) Be sure your comment has a link to your blog or an email address so I can contact you if you win. Drawing will be held next Thursday, February 26th at 8pm central.

Good luck! :)

Scalloped Potatoes - Vegan + Dairy-Free

Dairy free scalloped potatoes vegan style comfort food
Creamy vegan scalloped potatoes

On a whim and out of nowhere (and at 2:54 AM, I'll have you know) I began conjuring images of creamy scalloped potatoes. Odd for someone who must avoid cheese and cream and butter and who- most days- is reconciled to her cheese-free life with a shrugging Lebowski-Zen detachment they write books about. Not to mention, it's been (literally) over a decade since I made this retro recipe, cream or no cream. Alas, I simply couldn't get the idea out of my sleepy Ewan McGregor-esque spiky head. 

The vegan scalloped potato challenge bit me. And refused to let go.

To make my pre-dawn vision a reality this classic recipe would need some serious tweaking. I mean, it's not just cheese you have to replace (and I'm no fan of plastic vegan cheeses, let me tell you). There is cream. And sweet moo-cow butter. Three key ingredients that make this comfy dish so melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Lucky for me I happened to have some dairy-free cream sauce left over from a vegan pasta I had tossed together the night before. A thick and silky hemp based sauce featuring artichokes and wine.

Accident? Destiny? Or simply the collective unconscious zeroing in on post-midnight potato cravings when your serotonin is dropping so fast your heart beat skips and triggers a hot flash?

You decide.

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